TIME: 21.02.2012
nick: tuningmar
Can vinegar stop your period
Can vinegar stop your period temporarily before having sex.
Can vinegar stop your period temporarily before having sex? yeah.. do you.. douche with it down there? good lord. i think i'd rather hold off the sex than have.
How can u stop your period with vineger | Answerbag
You can't stop it. But it is useful to slow the flow and regulate your periods. The dosage is two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glassful of water.
If you drink vinegar would this stop your period?
I heard and read a few places that drinking apple cider vinegar would slow down heavy periods and also shorten the days of your period. Has anyone
Can I Drink Vinegar to Stop My Menstrual Period | Reference.com.
Can I Drink Vinegar to Stop My Menstrual Period. Vinegar Stop Your Menstrual Cycle?
Can a vinegar douche stop your period even if only for a little.
Best Answer: are you serious? you cant douche and especially with vinegar or anything else. douching is dangerous just don't do it.
Will drinking vinegar stop your period - The Q&A wiki
Answer I have tried drinking vinegar plenty of times because I have painful cramps. It really does work in one day but the next period may be a little heavier. It.
Remedies to Cure Menstrual Issues - E A R T H . C L I N I C - Folk.
But then I think the reason the apple cider vinegar helps start your period is because. What can I take to make it stop? I am going on vacation with my boyfriend, and I'm.
Is there anything that can stop a period? - Yahoo! Answers
Best Answer: Apple Cider Vinegar will not stop it but easy the flow.. the pill is the only substance that can stop your period. but ofcoarse, should not.
Can Vinegar Stop Your Period for a Little While? | ChaCha
Can Vinegar Stop Your Period for a Little While? ChaCha Answer: I'm afraid drinking vinegar would not stop your period. The only thin...
How to immediately stop your period - Is there a way to stop the.
Can vinegar stop your period for a ady? Can vinegar help you stop your period? Vinegar swab stopping your period. Is it supposed to sting and itch when using monistate for.
Can vinegar stop your period Drink Vinegar to Stop Menstrual Cycle | Reference.com Answers
Drinking Vinegar to Stop PeriodMenstrual Cycle - How to Slow Down Heavy Bleeding From Menstrual. Drink Vinegar to Stop Menstrual Cycle | Reference.com Answers Can vinegar stop your period temporarily before having sex. Can a vinegar douche stop your period even if only for a little. Can it stop your period-ADHD Questions answered Will Vinegar Stop Your Period Will Vinegar Stop My Period How can u stop your period with vineger | Answerbag Vinegar and Periods .